Friday, August 6, 2010

Switching On the Sun

We are solar connected! It took awhile to get through the process, but we finally did it. Thank you groSolar and SunRun for making it happen with very little headache on our end of things.

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  1. Awesome! We'd love to go solar but I don't know how cost effective it would be for us. Plus I've read that the damn SmartMeter won't go backwards so we won't get credited for any energy going back into the system.

  2. Hey Rachel, you do get credit for the energy you put back onto the grid. We financed the panels through SunRun so don't get any of the tax credits, but that's fine for us. Since we are self-employed, our biggest problem is self-employment tax and tax credits don't do diddly for us in that arena.

  3. congratulations!!! That is amazing (i'm bowing in a "i'm not worthy" fashion.)

  4. just an FYI. my friend and real estate agent told be that one must beware of doing the solar on loan, because if you want to sell your house, buyers with fanny mae and mac loans won't loan to buy houses with solar bought on loan system because they consider that loan a lien. read about it here:

  5. That is so lame. I have to say that the whole process wasn't as smooth as I thought it would be. We have the Orion of buying out our panels at anytime with SunRun. So even if we had to sell and had a Freddie or Fannie loan (which we don't) we would just buy out the panels, even with a cc if we had to. There are ways to get around these ridiculous snags.

  6. That is so cool! We want to do that so badly! Congrats.
