After using up the last of my frozen goats milk, I realized that if I ever wanted to have it again I would need to get somebody knocked up. I dried off Lucy at the beginning of December since her production had gone down to a cup and a half per day, which didn't seem worth the effort anymore. She had a great run though. Usually goats stay in milk for 10 months; Lucy went 15.
This time around, I really want to get Ethel preggers. She has failed to settle (conceive) twice now, once with a buck named Flapjack in Lake County and once with Lucy's son, Fred. In order to boost the girls' fertility, I gave them both an injection of BoSe, a selenium and vitamin E cocktail that is said to regulate the lady goat cycles. I then sent them off to Prundale where Fred now resides.
Remember Fred? He is such a manly man now, I hardly recognized him. Isn't he gorgeous?
Fred is as wily as he has always been, if not more so. For a period of time, he lived with Pam of Peaceful Valley Farm along with his sister, Ginger, but he kept busting out of all the fences. Pam re-homed him to Leslie's little farm in Prunedale, where he continues his escapades of breaking fences and entering places he doesn't belong, like Leslie's house... and in her bed. Nice, Fred. Real nice.
I wanted to give Fred one more go with Ethel as I thought they would make some cute babies together. Ethel has been acting like she has been in heat for about two months straight and as soon as we arrived at the farm, Fred was VERY interested in her. So interested that he didn't even recognize his own mama. Have you ever seen a goat buck woo? The courtship involves a lot of knickering, tongue waggling, and raspberries (a.k.a. the Bronx cheer) being blown all about the doe's face and neck. Here's Fred off to a good start
By the time I left, Fred had given it to her at least 10 times in less than 20 minutes. Poor Ethel was done by that point, as can be seen here
Can't you just hear her crying "Help, get me away from that sex maniac!"? Too bad, lady. You need to make some babies!
While Ethel and Fred get busy, Lucy's intended is this gorgeous white pygmy (possibly a Nigerian cross), Ozzie. Here he is with Leslie. Is he not the most adorable buck you have ever seen?
The hair kills me. I immediately nicknamed him Ozzball.
Well let's hope the girls make some good love connections. We are desperate. I am now having to *gasp* buy milk from the store.
Fingers crossed. Gonna be some cute babies!!
ReplyDeleteI didn't recognize Fred when I saw him, either! He changed so fast, didn't he?! I'm hoping my goats are preggers too. That Ozzie will make some gorgeous babies!
ReplyDeleteMakes me wish I was closer to Prunedale so I could get the Ghetto Goats knocked up.
ReplyDeletePictures of goats standing on things always make me smile.
ReplyDeleteWe just got our Lucy knocked up, but she took a 3 week stay to get cozy with her beau. Here's to July kids!
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